Waxing Over Tin Cloth
When is a criticism more than complaint? I've arrived at that time in life when I might sound like too much the grumpy old man disapproving the present or change or whatever is current. I don't want to be that guy. And since I further associate the crabby disgruntled thing with the downright evil that wants to make things "great again," I must distance myself from those opprobrious politics. Not many things "back then" in truth were better any more than they are better now. That said, there are improvements on what was---like the best denim, boots, and leather jackets. Democracy may be failing and the world burning down but this is the golden age of workwear Amekaji style. It's always worth thinking about change because without it we're not here at all. Some things are surely better than ever: the quality, availability, diversity, and execution of denim is a benchmark that carries into other exceptional workwear. Thank you Japan and those mic...