22 November

22 November 2022 It wasn’t long after lunch when the teacher from across the hall burst into our classroom. She was sobbing uncontrollably. She rushed to her colleague, my own 1 st Grade teacher, Mrs Dawson who immediately came to her side. I watched her face turn ashen, aghast. Their horror faces was unmistakable, something a six-year old never forgets. Mrs Dawson turned to the class and said, “President Kennedy has been shot.” I knew who the President was. I knew what shot meant from watching westerns and war movies on TV. But I did not understand what this meant. She instructed us to sit quietly and within a few minutes we were gathering our things, dismissed early from school. I remember the walk home---we nearly all walked to school and it was at least 15 minutes door to door. The weather was warm for November and most of my friends took our “l...