Vanity Bespoke

Writing about vanity may be its ironic apex but writing about one’s own could be its truest ambition. For many years I have kept a private diary of interests in things handmade, which includes the usual suspects for an older white American male boomer of far less than unlimited means. I’ve been into clothes as long as I can remember: my father dressed smart even when he was dirt poor. I have loved wool and watches, bicycles, denim, and boots, leather of all kinds for as long as I can remember. My first sartorial bequest were my father’s well-worn but still un-frayed Oxford cloth button downs purchased from Brooks in the early ‘60s. These were somehow still going strong when purloined from his dresser in the middle 1970s. I wore them through college until they literally fell apart. My father never stepped out of the house without a proper hat and would not be caught dead in unkempt shoes. I can confirm he wa...