Making the Case for Being a Man
Welcome to the HFC, have a seat. A very few words of introduction. My favorite biography is that of the great man David Hume, Scottish philosopher who pretty much invented the idea of experience as the best teacher---the dullest emotion is more articulate than the finest rational argument he once said. Hume's biography was half a printed page long in a world in which sentences alone could consume volumes, and he write, "A man cannot speak long of himself without vanity. I shall be short." Go here for the whole bit, this started as an essay and turned into a podcast. Look here: I'm going to take Hume's advice so suffice it to say that I've been writing and dare I say teaching about life for a long time now. Sometimes you know things just 'cause you were there . More important are the things you've taken the time to learn, and if you've had experience too then to reflect. No one might care what yo...