A Note about Ivy Style: Blazers, Crests, Colors and the Stories Told
Two ideas here about Ivy Style. I have plenty more coming. Ivy Style is an important part of my narrative. I love these clothes way more than I liked school. First, I finally listened to the downright wonderful HandCut Radio (RIP) podcast with Rowing Blazer’s Jack Carlson. Mr Carlson’s history of the blazer and its deep connection to rowing clubs, to traditions and provenance, to what it means to be in a blazer-community (my term, not his) was informative, interesting, spot on. But there was another thing Carlson noted that caused me to cheer since I had had the same (or nearly) experience. He talks about going to Ralph Lauren, with whom he has a wonderful relationship. I would too commend the brand not only for what it has offered to Ivy, Trad, and Preppy but for good taste (sometimes) and quality. But Carlson noted a blazer with a crest that seemed a little too familiar. It was a ...